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The Time For Bold, Exciting Retail Experience is Here!

INSIGHT | APRIL 19, 2022 

Enter Paris, in the renowned Parisian department store Le Bon Marché, where artist Philippe Katerine transformed the main corridor of this majestic space into a unique multi-form installation titled Le Mignonisme (cute-ism); featuring massive bubble-gum pink sculptures draped throughout. The installation launched in late February, and visitors had the opportunity to snap pictures alongside the character, Monsieur Rose, in high-flying creative and humorous poses.

“This experiment draws on some key retail considerations beyond great store design and flow; think instagrammability and innovation through unique and relevant collaboration”, says Mardi Najafi, Director of Retail Design at Figure3. “Consumers are seeking a differentiator as they gradually consider heading back out into the retail landscape; they want to connect with something special, and really feel a part of it.”

Although the event closes on April 24th, the experience lives on not only through the digital word, but also through the exclusive merchandise created specifically for the installation. In this new retail concept store, there are hundreds of unique pieces created by Katerine and available for purchase.

“The time for exciting retail opportunities is now,” says Najafi. “Consumers miss the tangible elements and real-time connections of in-person shopping. As nicer weather approaches, I’m looking forward to seeing more creative retail ideas emerge in cities here in Canada, and really make an impact on the shopping experience.”

Najafi also shares the following tips for retail owners looking to make an experiential statement with their brand.

  1. Collaborate with local creators to build an experience that connects on a physical and emotional level.

  2. Build a community to create social connection within your campaign

  3. Activate other businesses to add value and create a more robust experience

  4. Build a sense of urgency by offering something exclusive; products or experiences.

  5. Create opportunities for social sharing, both in the digital space and through real word interactions.

  6. Keep to your core beliefs and remain authentic to your brand.

At the heart of all great retail is a functional and exciting space. Figure3 is one of Canada’s top interior design firms and continues to reimagine the shopping experience with Mardi Najafi at the head of its retail studio.

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